Tuesday, 7 June 2016



Dual Axes:-

  • You can compare multiple measures using dual axes, which are two independent axes that are layered on top of each other. 
  • Dual axes are useful when you have two measures that have different scales. 
  • To add the measure as dual axis drag the field to the right side of the view and drop it when you see a black dashed line. 
  • You can also select Dual Axis on the field menu for the measure.

The result is a dual axis view where the Profit axis corresponds to the purple line and the
Shipping Cost axis corresponds to the brown line.

  • You can add up to four layered axes: two on the Columns shelf and two on the Rows shelf.
  • When you are using dual axes you can align the two axes up by right-clicking the dual axis and selecting Synchronize Axis.

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